The FTS9 is a smart choice because it can go anywhere a standing or wheel-in dock can, plus locations they cannot, like deep water or an extremely muddy and soft lake bottom. With the FTS9, you’ll never worry about adjusting your dock system to accommodate fluctuating water depth.
Premium Dock Flotation
ShoreMaster uses its own premium rotationally molded dock floats. These premium dock floats, along with our dime-welded construction, add remarkable stability and durability.
Remarkable Strength
Featuring a 9” classic truss side frame, the Floating FTS9 is provides superior strength and durability. With a continuous truss stringer and precision dime-welded construction the FTS9 is built to withstand the rigors of seasonal and fluctuating waters.
InfinityTrack Accessories
The InfinityTrack™ accessory system makes it easy to install and remove accessories without tools.
9 Premium Decking Options
An industry-leading 9 premium decking options to help personal your dock system.
The Floating FTS9 is the perfect choice for shallow, deep, and fluctuating water conditions. Premium dock flotation and a strong truss frame create an incredibly stable floating dock system that looks great and requires minimal maintenance.
Product Features: